Holiday Inn
June 2, 2023
Benjamin Marser
Partnered Agency
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As a company with locations worldwide, Holiday Inn needed a partner that had the capacity to help them grow across multiple markets.

Because of this, Ranked was an ideal solution to help them scale their SEO to rank highly through content & data-driven optimization in multiple languages.

The challenge: increase organic search traffic & conversions internationally through a single domain.

When joining Ranked, Holiday Inn was losing organic search traffic & wasn't able to acquire enough traffic that resulted in direct bookings.

  • Booking directly through Holiday Inn's site improves customer loyalty.
  • Reservations through Booking, Agoda & others is expensive.

The solution: optimization, content & link building at scale

We got to work on creating a multi-language content plan & analyzed over 1200 locations that required localized optimization & scaled up link building through link placements on local media sites.

Due to having a vast amount of data from existing clients in multiple markets, Ranked was able to leverage this to achieve growth on city-specific keywords across Holiday Inn's site.

After 12 months, our work resulted in Holiday Inn having a consistent month to month increase in global organic traffic while other competitors were seeing a decrease in large markets due to a decrease in tourism. By optimizing at scale across different languages, their bounce rate improved significantly, conversions were up & the average user time increased by 30%.

As a result, Holiday Inn was able to achieve:

  • First-page results on target keywords across multiple locations
  • Improved conversions on direct bookings.
  • Significant bounce rate improvement.
  • Increased visitor experience
  • 75% YOY organic traffic increase

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