Keyword Cannibalization: What Is It?

November 30, 2023
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In Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content creators strive to rank high on search engine results pages by targeting relevant keywords. However, when multiple web pages on the same domain target the same keywords, a phenomenon called keyword cannibalization occurs. While unintentional, this issue can lead to confusion for both search engines and users, ultimately harming your website's SEO performance.

In this article, we will define keyword cannibalization, explain its potential consequences, and provide practical tips on identifying and fixing this common issue. By understanding and addressing keyword cannibalization, you can ensure optimal SEO performance and improve your website's search rankings. 

Understanding Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization occurs when two or more pages on the same website target the same keyword or set of keywords, potentially causing them to compete against each other in search engine rankings. This internal competition may confuse search engines and dilute your website's overall SEO efforts, potentially lowering the ranking of various pages.

While creating content that targets similar keywords isn't inherently harmful, problems could arise when search engines are unable to identify the most relevant page for a specific query, leading to the possibility that none of your web pages may rank as high as they could have individually.

Potential Consequences of Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization can have several negative effects on your website's SEO performance, including the following:

1. Lower search rankings: When multiple pages compete for the same keywords, search engines may have difficulty determining which page is most relevant for a particular search query. This confusion can lead to a potential decrease in the ranking for all pages involved, causing them to appear farther down in search results.

2. Diluted authority: Search engines determine a page's authority based on various factors, including the quantity and quality of inbound links. When two or more pages are cannibalizing each other, they may be sharing these links, diluting the authority that could have been concentrated on one high-ranking page.

3. Poor user experience: Keyword cannibalization can lead to confusion for users when they find multiple pages on your website containing similar content. This can result in a weak user experience, increased bounce rates, and lower conversion rates.

4. Decreased Google crawl budget: Google allocates a specific crawl budget to each website, determining how often its bots will crawl and index your web pages. Having multiple pages targeting the same keywords may cause Google to spend more time crawling and indexing these pages, thereby reducing the time spent on other valuable content on your website.

Identifying Keyword Cannibalization

In order to address keyword cannibalization, first, identify the instances where it occurs on your website. Consider implementing the following strategies:

1. Use SEO tools: Leverage SEO tools such as SEMrush, Moz, and Ahrefs to analyze your website's keyword usage and detect instances of keyword cannibalization.

2. Perform a site search on Google: Conduct a site search on Google using the "site:" operator, followed by your domain and the keyword in question (e.g., "target keyword"). This will reveal the pages on your website that are ranking for the specified keyword, allowing you to identify potential instances of cannibalization.

3. Review Google Search Console: The Performance report in Google Search Console can provide valuable insights into how your website ranks for specific keywords. Review this report to identify instances where multiple pages are ranking for the same keyword, signaling potential cannibalization.

Strategies to Resolve Keyword Cannibalization

Once you've identified instances of keyword cannibalization on your website, consider implementing the following strategies to reolve this issue:

1. Consolidate content: Combine the cannibalizing pages into a single, comprehensive piece of content. Ensure that this new piece covers all the necessary information from the original pages, then remove the duplicate content and set up 301 redirects to point to the newly consolidated page.

2. Update internal linking structure: Modify your website's internal linking structure to ensure that you are only linking to the most relevant and authoritative page for a specific keyword. This may involve adjusting anchor text and removing unnecessary links to cannibalizing pages.

3. Deoptimize cannibalizing pages: If consolidating content isn't an option, consider deoptimizing the pages that are cannibalizing your target keyword. This may involve reducing the frequency of the keyword throughout the content, modifying the title tag and meta description, and adjusting the content's overall focus.

4. Utilize a canonical tag: If you have two or more pages with very similar content that cannot be consolidated, consider implementing a canonical tag on the duplicate pages. This tells Google which page to prioritize in search results, effectively reducing the chances of keyword cannibalization.

5. Monitor and measure results: Regularly monitor your website's performance metrics to assess the impact of your efforts to fix keyword cannibalization. Make adjustments to your strategy as needed to continue optimizing your website's search rankings and overall SEO performance.

Seeking Professional Assistance

Addressing keyword cannibalization and optimizing your SEO strategies can be a complex and time-consuming task. Working with a professional SEO service like Ranked can provide valuable expertise, ensuring your website remains optimized and competitive in search engine rankings. Ranked offers affordable SEO services for businesses and white label SEO services for agencies, helping you effectively resolve issues like keyword cannibalization and maximize your website's performance.

Master Keyword Optimization with Ranked

Navigating the complexities of keyword cannibalization and adjusting your SEO strategies accordingly is crucial for maintaining a strong online presence and search rankings. Ranked, a provider of affordable SEO and white label SEO services, is your go-to resource for tackling common SEO challenges like keyword cannibalization and achieving optimal results for your business.

Partner with Ranked to improve your website's overall SEO performance and ensure your content strategy effectively targets relevant keywords without cannibalization. Our team of experts is dedicated to keeping you informed of best practices and helping you adapt to the ever-changing world of SEO.