Is Affiliate Marketing for You? Pros and Cons to Think About

February 15, 2023
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Affiliate marketing is a commission-based partnership that involves a person with an audience and a brand who wants their products and services promoted. Affiliate marketers can promote businesses in various ways. They can incorporate tracked links in blog posts, mention them in videos, add them to web pages, or include them in social media posts. Each successful purchase through an affiliate link earns a commission for the affiliate marketer.

This type of marketing can take various forms. For example, you can team up with a brand and promote a specific product they sell, receiving percentages of revenues from your referrals. You can also work with Amazon or other retailers and receive a portion of any purchase people make through referral links leading to their site. 

Is Affiliate Marketing Effective?

People who do not know much about affiliate marketing might doubt whether it works. It might sound too good to be true for some, while others might not fully understand how this type of relationship brings revenue. The first thing to remember about affiliate marketing is it is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

Earning money through this type of marketing requires researching products, understanding your audience, and knowing their interests. You also need to have a consistent, continuous relationship with the brand networks and companies you want to market. You should also maintain rapport with your audience since they’re the ones who will purchase through the affiliate links.

Besides familiarity with the wants and needs of various stakeholders, you should also know how to use search engine optimization and social media marketing to attract followers and generate income. Affiliate marketing requires commitment and dedication, and it won’t work to “set it and forget it.” Here are some pros and cons of incorporating affiliate marketing in your SEO strategy.

Advantages of Affiliate Marketing

Information entrepreneurs and those in the creative economy would benefit from affiliate marketing. People who engage in this type of marketing do not need to account for overhead costs. Most affiliate programs do not require a joining fee, so your costs will usually be the ones associated with getting your referral links out to people.

Also, since affiliate marketers promote products and services that already exist, they don’t need to worry about shipping costs, inventory, coding, and programming, or other aspects of developing the products. You do not need to be an SEO expert to become an affiliate marketer for an SEO platform or service provider. All you need to do is recommend this product or service to people who might need it.

Affiliate marketing is also highly flexible. You can work on your strategies and implement them from anywhere in the world, as long as you have access to the internet. If you team up with a brand for long enough, you have enormous potential for passive income and could create a steady second income stream from your marketing efforts. As long as people go down your sales funnel—read the post or watch the video you created for your affiliate partner—you stand to gain a commission if they purchase through your referral link.

Disadvantages of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is not a perfect business model. Like other income-generating frameworks, there are challenges and drawbacks to it. Here are cons you might experience in affiliate marketing and possible solutions to it.

Con #1: It Takes Time

One thing you should seriously consider is it takes a lot of time. You cannot expect results from your affiliate campaign right away. Usually, it would take six to eight months until you start seeing results from affiliate campaigns. Other factors like the quality of your content, SEO, and how you promote products also come into play.

Solution: You need to commit to a long-term plan and experiment over several weeks or months to perfect your affiliate strategy. Affiliate marketing is not a way for you to earn cash quickly. However, if you put in the time, you have a lot to gain. Affiliate programs can provide approximately five to 50 percent commission rates!

Con#2: Affiliate Hijacking

Affiliate hijacking is also a serious concern among affiliate marketers. You might not give credit for your referral, especially if the people you refer fail to course their subscription or make the purchase through your link. 

Solution: Fortunately, having a solid communications strategy usually prevents affiliate hijacking. Clearly stating your affiliate link or including it in the post will enable you to keep your referrals. If you have video or images, you can also flash the referral link there or provide detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to sign up.

Con#3: Lack of Control

Another drawback you might experience is a lack of control. Since the product you’re promoting isn’t yours, you need to be sure about the capacity of the business to fulfill customer demand. Bad referrals can harm your credibility. 

Solution: Researching your potential affiliate partners will assure you that you’re getting high-quality ones. Reviews and feedback from customers and other affiliate marketers will give you an idea of how likely the company is to meet or exceed expectations.

Con#4: Competitive Field

Finally, affiliate marketing is a competitive field. Many marketers promote the same products, compete for the same audience, and link to the same brand partners. If you are only getting into affiliate marketing, it could be challenging to establish yourself as a reliable source of recommendations.

Solution: Like in the first problem, the only way to deal with competition is by putting in the work and hours. Building your reputation as a good source of recommendations will bring affiliate income, but that will take months of consistent, high-quality content.

Other Things to Keep in Mind

If you’ve decided to become an affiliate marketer, there are other things to keep in mind. First, you need to incorporate variety. Do not overwhelm your visitors with one affiliate product after another. Have a structured sales funnel for each product you’re promoting, and consider having separate lead pages for them as well.

Know what your legal requirements are—disclosing affiliate or revenue-generating links is a must. It is required by law in the U.S., U.K., and European Union. Even if your customers are not from these regions, disclosing affiliate links is good online etiquette in general. Failure to mention revenue-generating links where needed could mean legal or financial penalties for you. 

Finally, always monitor how your affiliate programs are doing. Track your earnings and traffic, especially if you have more than one affiliate partner. You will know which products resonate with your audience, what messages help them decide to buy, and which ones they steer clear of when you monitor your affiliate campaigns.


Success in affiliate marketing involves the same things that would bring success in other income-generating ventures. You need to invest time, effort, and creativity into making a partnership like this work. Researching your prospective affiliate partner and knowing your audience and their interests will also go a long way.

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