5 Great Ways to Grow Your Shopify Store

February 15, 2023
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Whether you’re looking to launch a store online or offline, Shopify may be just the platform for you. Besides being extremely user-intuitive, Shopify is a powerful e-commerce platform that allows you to sell both on your own website or in person with Shopify Point of Sale (POS).

Serving e-commerce rookies and established sellers alike, Shopify has features for everyone. It is a highly customizable, yet easy-to-use platform that allows you to harness your creative power. In fact, over a million merchants regularly use Shopify to sell their products.

While the platform is relatively easy to set up, there are a few strategies you should keep in mind to help your business grow, thrive, and succeed in the long run. We’ll be discussing five of them right here, right now!

Invest in Professional Photography and Videography

As far as product photos are concerned, you’d be wise to hire a professional photographer. The best Shopify stores have one thing in common: striking visual content. Your iPhone may get good shots, but it’s no replacement for a professional product photographer.

Investing in professional photography and videography can help boost your conversion rates significantly. In fact, 7 out of 10 consumers report product image quality to be a “very important” step in selecting and purchasing the product. Want to increase conversions? Invest in good photos.

Keep Your Copy Simple, Clear, and Concise

When it comes to producing and publishing copy, remember the KISS rule—keep it short and simple! You’d be surprised as to how much of a difference this can make in its effectiveness. Whether you’re writing for an ad or a blog post, copy is meant to inform your customers and entice them to buy from you.

For this reason, the message you convey in your writing should remain clear and understandable. It should say precisely what your business needs to say and what your customers need to know—no more and no less.

Incorporate Impactful Storytelling

In today’s cluttered and data-driven world, you’ll see more success at winning the hearts of your ideal customers when you bring some humanity into the mix. What better way to do that than by telling a story? Make sure you consider the following for impactful storytelling:

  • Determine who buys your product
  • Find out what they’re passionate about
  • Identify a problem they have and a story that may come with it
  • Integrate your product into the story as a solution to the problem

When good storytelling comes together with a great product, you’ll be hooking customers and keeping them coming back for more!

Leverage the Power of Social Media

If you have a Shopify store, there’s no better way to boost your business growth than with social media. Whether you’re building a name on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, remember that you need to be where your target market is.

When you’re marketing on social media, make sure to post valuable content regularly. Product photography, videos, blogs, and customer testimonials are a few of the many types of content users may find valuable. Always interact with your ideal customers as well as regular clients. To engage with your audience, you can also comment, like, retweet, share, or send messages.

Get Your Shop Ranked

Even in the Shopify platform, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should not be neglected. No matter how life changing your product is, it won’t go anywhere if your target audience can’t find it. Although many factors go into determining SEO effectiveness, there are some on-page changes you can start with:

  • Meta titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Custom URLs
  • Headings
  • Image alt text
  • Integrations with Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and social media channels

SEO certainly goes much further than on-page optimization, which is why we recommend working with an experienced SEO service like Ranked. Our experience in this field can help your products get noticed by your audience—all for an affordable price!


Shopify is undoubtedly an excellent platform to use whether you sell offline or online. You don’t necessarily have to be a sales guru to watch your business grow. That said, while the five strategies above are a great start, you may need more. Shopify SEO will certainly help you reach your audience and improve your sales.

With a unique blend of industry expertise and technical know-how, Ranked is positioned to help your Shopify store reach new heights. Our expert team is excited to grow with you. Activate your account today!