Solve Common Crawlability Issues: 10 Problems and Fixes

March 7, 2024
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Crawlability is a fundamental aspect of your website's search engine performance, as it enables search engine bots to discover, navigate, and index your content effectively. However, a range of crawlability problems can obstruct your site's visibility, resulting in a negative impact on traffic and rankings.

We will explore 10 common crawlability problems and provide actionable solutions to address them. With expert guidance from Ranked's affordable SEO services for businesses and white-label solutions, you can enhance your website's crawlability and ensure that search engines can efficiently navigate and index your content.

Invest in your website's search engine performance by optimizing crawlability and staying ahead of the competition. Benefit from the expertise of Ranked, and witness first-hand the transformative power of technical SEO solutions for crawlability problems.

1. Broken and Unresponsive Internal Links

Broken and unresponsive internal links hinder search engines from effectively crawling and indexing your website's content. In addition, they can frustrate users, leading to a poor user experience. To fix this issue:

- Use a broken link checker tool to identify and fix broken internal links on your website.
- Ensure your internal links are up to date, especially when removing or updating content.
- Implement 301 redirects for any permanently moved pages to maintain crawlability and retention of link equity.

2. Duplicate Content Across Pages

Duplicate content can cause confusion for search engine crawlers, leading to indexation problems and potential ranking penalties. To address duplicate content:

- Utilize canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page with duplicate or similar content.
- Implement 301 redirects from the duplicate pages to the original, if appropriate.
- Revise and consolidate content to create unique and valuable resources for users.

3. Improper Use of Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file is used to communicate with search engine crawlers, providing instructions on what should or shouldn't be indexed. Improper use of the robots.txt file can block search engines from accessing important content. To fix robots.txt file issues:

- Review your robots.txt file to ensure you're not accidentally blocking access to important pages or sections of your website.
- Use Google Search Console's robots.txt Tester tool to validate your syntax and ensure proper functionality.
- Keep the file simple and precise, avoiding overly complex rules that may confuse crawlers.

4. Missing or Misconfigured XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap helps search engine crawlers to navigate and index your website efficiently. Missing or misconfigured sitemaps can lead to crawlability issues. To address this:

- Ensure your website has an up-to-date XML sitemap containing all essential URLs.
- Submit your XML sitemap to search engines via tools like Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools.
- Monitor your sitemap's status for potential issues, such as errors or warnings, that could impact crawling and indexing.

5. Orphaned Pages

Orphaned pages are those with no internal links pointing to them, which makes them difficult for search engine crawlers to discover. To remedy orphaned pages:

- Identify orphaned pages on your website using tools like Google Analytics or website crawling software.
- Integrate these pages into your website's internal linking structure, ensuring that they're connected to relevant and related content.
- Create XML sitemap entries for orphaned pages to facilitate discovery by search engines.

6. JavaScript, AJAX, and Crawlable Content

Search engines may have difficulty parsing and rendering content embedded within JavaScript or AJAX, hindering crawlability and indexation. To address this issue:

- Ensure critical website content, such as navigation menus and important text, is accessible without relying on JavaScript or AJAX.
- Use the Fetch as Google tool in Google Search Console to understand how search engines render and index your pages.
- If necessary, serve a static, crawlable version of your website using tools like or server-side rendering.

7. Slow Page Load Times

Slow page load times can negatively impact user experience, resulting in decreased crawlability by search engines. To optimize page load speed:

- Compress images and text files to reduce load times, using lossless compression techniques.
- Implement browser caching to enable quicker loading for returning users.
- Minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to reduce file size and improve page load performance.

8. Inefficient URL Structure

Inefficient and complex URL structures can hinder search engine crawlers and negatively impact user experience. To optimize your URL structure:

- Use descriptive and keyword-rich URLs that accurately represent the linked content.
- Keep URLs concise and avoid excessive use of parameters or subdirectories within URLs.
- Use hyphens to separate words in URLs, as search engines recognize them as word separators.

9. Incorrectly Configured HTTPS/SSL Certificates

Search engines prioritize websites offering secure browsing experiences. Incorrectly configured HTTPS or SSL certificates can result in crawlability problems and potential ranking penalties. To address this issue:

- Ensure your SSL certificate is valid, properly installed, and up to date.
- Implement 301 redirects from HTTP to HTTPS versions of your website's URLs.
- Review the HTTPS status of your website in Google Search Console for potential issues.

10. Unoptimized Metadata

Metadata, such as title tags and meta descriptions, plays a crucial role in improving search engine visibility and user click-through rates. Unoptimized metadata can hinder crawlability and search engine performance. To optimize metadata:

- Ensure each page has a unique, descriptive title tag that accurately reflects the content.
- Write compelling and concise meta descriptions that encourage user click-throughs.
- Utilize structured data markup where appropriate to help search engines understand your content.

Maximize Your Website's Crawlability with Ranked

Boost your website's search engine performance by addressing common crawlability issues with the help of Ranked's affordable SEO services for businesses and white-label solutions. Our experts will guide you through the process of optimizing your website for search engine crawlers, ensuring your content is discovered, navigated, and indexed with ease.

Take advantage of Ranked's professional expertise to maximize your website's crawlability and stay ahead of the competition. From addressing broken links to optimizing metadata, our team is dedicated to delivering the technical SEO solutions necessary to enhance your website's visibility and reach.