7 Tips For Writing Compelling Headlines For Your Posts

February 15, 2023
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Providing value does not start with your article's first sentence. Instead, it begins with your title's first word. Your headline is an integral part of your audience's journey through your brand. Most people will not consider clicking an article if the title does not grab their attention. If you struggle to write a title for your articles, here are some tips that make it easier.

Write The Title After You Finish The Article

This tip, which you've probably heard from your composition teacher, is helpful in content writing. Finishing the article first lets you create a title that summarizes what people will read in your post. Keep in mind that this is not a strict rule. Some people prefer to write the title at the start since doing this keeps their writing on track.

Inform Readers What To Expect

In digital marketing, especially for B2B companies, readers want to get answers quickly. Remember that you aren't writing novels or short stories; use simple language and tell them precisely what they should expect in your post. Use your headlines to give readers a preview. For example, "Seven Great Books" does not tell readers what to expect; these books could be 'great' in many ways. However, "Seven Great Books On Resilience And Coping With Illness" delivers a promise.

Learn How To Use Different Types Of Headers

Form matters as much as content when you're writing for online materials. Use header tags to create segments in a web-based text; these tags have several weights, from the largest (H1, for titles) to the smallest (H6, for the fifth sublevel of a paragraph). 

Web content writers must use headers because search engines scan these to understand the content of the page. H1s provide the page's main topic, while H2s and onwards provide search engines with more context on the topic and make the text easier to scroll through. Most of your readers will skim through your content and read only the parts that they genuinely need. Breaking it into sections with headers helps them search through your post and get to the information they must have.

Use as many H2s as you need to provide a clear overview of your content. Someone looking for a specific passage or piece of information will be grateful for the headings. Using H2s will also let casual browsers see at a glance what the article discusses. Furthermore, you should add H3s as well. These headings help you flesh out content under the H2s. This heading is useful in creating numbered or bulleted lists that increase the clarity of a piece.

Write "Popular" Forms Of Content

When you are revising your article, consider reframing it as a "how to." Some of the best-performing pieces online are how-to's, so you stand to gain a significant amount of traffic if you write a piece in this format. Make it as specific as possible, and keep your title within 60 characters or less. You could also use a list format. Numbers are attractive to users, and headlines with numbers are clearer and receive more traffic than those with questions.

Use Actions And Emotions

Your headlines should tell people what they should do to gain value from your products and services. People should know what you can do for them or how your products and services would benefit them. You can also use emotions in your headline. Use evocative language that highlights a person's need. Use words that address hunger, urgency, and fear, or ones that promise satisfaction, prestige, and security. These types of words convince people to take action.

You can also intrigue people by introducing something that would make them click. Don't bury the lead; use your article's most exciting aspect as the headline. Limited offers, exclusives, and other similar enticements will always get people interested.

Optimize Your Headers For Your Keywords

As much as possible, use your primary keyword in the H1. This type of header defines your overall topic, so it should contain the phrase you're using to rank in SERPs. Meanwhile, your subheadings or H2s can have a mix of secondary and primary keywords. Ensure that you don't rely on keyword stuffing; only use these phrases if they fit naturally in the text.

Don't Neglect Your Subheadings

Your subheadings should be just as carefully worded as your title tags. Make these as informative as possible; treat them as summaries of the sections they cover. When you do this, you will naturally incorporate primary and related keywords. 

SEOs often forget that header tags do more than capture keywords that could help you rank high in search engine results pages. If you use them as you would in long-form articles, they can increase your readers' dwell time. They could even cause more click-throughs. Google evaluates pages based on relevance, and if more people are spending a lot of time on your website, it will see your pages as highly relevant. Optimize your headlines by thinking about your text as an essay. Always have an introduction, a discussion containing several points, and a summary.


Headlines allow you to pull your readers into your essay. A great headline will convince them to click on your post, and header tags allow them to navigate your essay quickly. Your content will be easier to skim and consume if you have H2s, H3s, and more. Optimizing your headlines involves focusing on what users can gain from your content. You should also take into consideration their reading habits. Most people do not spend a lot of time reading essays unless they genuinely enjoy doing it. To entice readers to click on your article and choose you over many other options, you need to think about what they're looking for in resources on the internet. 

No matter what kind of business you have, it is vital that you engage with your audience. Reach out to your community with high-quality, weekly content from Ranked. We provide data-driven SEO solutions designed to build your online presence in the long term. Get in touch with our team for more information or activate your account today!